What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
What are Lasting Powers of Attorney?
A legal document that allows you, the Donor, to appoint an Attorney/s, (someone you profusely trust), to look after your affairs, both financial and health at a stage in life where you no longer wish to make these decisions or have lost the capacity to manage your own affairs for yourself.
In October 2007 two new Powers came into effect:
Lasting Powers of Attorney for Property and Financial Affairs
Here your Attorney/s will make decisions about:
Financial matters such as paying bills, looking after bank accounts, managing investments, arranging and collecting benefits, selling property, and managing any other financial assets you hold.
This type of LPA can be used by your Attorney/s once registered or only on mental incapacity. This is a choice you can make on creating this document. The first option allows the document to be used at times when you are physically unwell but still have mental capacity.
Lasting Powers of Attorney for Health and Welfare
Here your Attorney/s will make decisions about:
Care Issues, where you live, how you are looked after, medication, where you wish - giving or refusing consent to life sustaining treatment.
This type of LPA can ONLY be used where you have lost the capacity to make the decisions for yourself.