Providing a Friendly, informative and caring service

Last Will and Testament
When writing a Will, it is important to consider your individual family and their needs. Each family is unique and we aim to help you understand the solutions available when protecting your assets for your loved ones in the future.
Simple Wills £150 - With Trusts £400
Mirror Wills £300 - With Trusts £750
Prices can vary especially where protecting a Business
Ask for a price list at

Lasting Powers of Attorney
78% of people in the UK have yet to register Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA), a high percentage of which are over 55. If you have assets, what will happen if you have an accident or illness that leaves you unable to make decisions? Without an LPA, the Court of Protection will decide who looks after you. Putting LPAs in place for finance and health means that you have made the decision in advance, giving you and your family peace of mind should something happen.
One LPA £200 Two £300
Business LPAs £300
OPG Registration Fees not included

Estate Planning
Understanding Inheritance Tax and Gifting can be daunting. There is so much information on the internet that it can leave you feeling overwhelmed. We take the time to talk through your objectives and look at the best solutions to fit your needs. You can't deprive the tax man but you can plan your estate to be as tax efficient as possible.